Wii U Virtual Console is now equipped with Mega Man
May 02, 2013 // Chris
Mega Man, the game that started it all, is now available on the Wii U eShop. See how you can get it for as low as $1
You see our post yesterday on the classic Capcomery coming to the Wii U Virtual Console ?! Ghosts ‘N Goblins, Super Ghouls ‘N Ghosts, and starting today Mega Man can now be yours on Nintendo’s latest console.
The game is $4.99 and-what’s that you say? You already paid $5 for Mega Man on the original Wii? Well get this, Mega Man fans: If you’ve previously purchased the game on the original Wii Virtual Console, you can transfer that purchase to Wii U for just $1! And yes, that should apply to most, if not all, of your previously purchased NES Virtual Console games that you’d like to upgrade to Wii U in the future (game transfer fees may vary, and subject to change according to Nintendo.) Nintendo’s got a handy guide right here on how to perform the transfer right here , and we’ve embedded a video tutorial below.
Why the $1, you ask? Well, it’s probably a long, boring answer that involves hosting costs and several lawyers, so let’s just go ahead instead see what a singular Washington lands you:
– Customizable control settings – Play classic Mega Man style (B + A), or X style (B + Y)!
– Offscreen Play – Smite Robot Masters on your Wii Gamepad while you watch Gossip Girl reruns on your TV!
– Save States – Mega Man 1 ain’t got no passwords!
– Miiverse Community – Share tips, screenshots and nostalgic elation with likeminded Mega Fans
We wanted to make sure the Miiverse was up and running, and looky here!
Wii U owners and Mega Man fans have plenty reason to be happy today. And just a reminder, Mega Man 4 just hit the 3DS eShop and the soundtrack is now available in the Capcom Store .