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When You’re Concentrating

Feb 04, 2011 // Ozaki

Hey there, everybody! Planning Director Ozaki here.

I’ve been running around like a headless chicken trying to whip up the data for this ROM our dev team is going to be checking together. But I keep thinking of more stuff I want to cram in there–what a scramble!

When you create new data, it changes the entire game in an instant, so I can’t wait to check out the results!! These are the times when I think to myself, “Making games is pretty darn fun!” Of course, it’s also a lot of work, what with me running all over the place. Gahaha.

Anyhoo, I figured I’d chat a little bit about everyday life here. When we’ve got something to focus on, a lot of us here like to listen to music while we work. I usually listen to soundtracks from games I was obsessed with back in the day, but I can’t help but wonder about what the other team members are listening to all the time.

For example, sometimes I catch an unexpected tune bleeding out of the headphones of our 3D Modeler, Kato-san. “Whoa,” I say, “you like this tune?! I don’t even know you!!”

Or I’ll see some CD with an eye-catching title on Programmer Kajiwara-san’s desk. “Gee,” I think, “Maybe I oughta take this dude out for a drink sometime. . . .”

And then there’s one of our Planners, Horiuchi-san, who headbangs like crazy to whatever he’s listening to. “Mother of god, I’d better not even bother him!!”

Music is a window into people’s more human side. What kind of music do you listen to when you need to concentrate? I wonder if other companies let their employees listen to music while they work.

Anyway–on another note, did you check out the new event? I’ll bet some people out there were waiting for this one. Yes, our “Town Easter Egg Event” is under way! For many gamers, these Easter Eggs around town are the first thing they associate with Mega Man Legends, so obviously this is a very importantly element!

The kick-the-can game one of the programmers snuck in. . . . Veteran Mega Man Director Yasuma-san’s TV station minigame collection. . . . The elusive but legendary slap-in-the-face from Roll!! I’m sure each of you has some such memory from the towns of the Legends games.

For this event, Fujikawa-san has offered his advice as a programmer, so make sure you give that a look, and then let the submissions roll! I can’t wait to see the new ideas you all come up with to make this game memorable!

I’d also like to respond to some of your questions, so make sure you comment if you’ve got one!