Wesker meets Mass Effect’s Legion, hilarity ensues
Apr 12, 2012 // Minish Capcom
OK, so, Mass Effect is one of my absolute favorite series of the modern console generation, and Legion (introduced in ME2) is one of my favorite characters of this generation. The idea of Legion contacting Resident Evil 5’s sneering Albert Wesker (via shared voice actor D.C. Douglas) blows my mind, making this video a very special loveletter to fans of both franchises.
Douglas put this together himself, which is a very cool treat and totally unexpected. There may be slight Legion-related ME3 spoilers in here (depending on how far you are), plus they openly discuss the fate of Wesker in RE5. Surely you know what happened to him by now, right?
Thanks for the tip, Zonic! (via Joystiq and voice actor D.C. Douglas )