We’re in your gamez, recording your pwnage

Nov 14, 2008 // Snow

Guess who got a sweet new toy!?! Capcom Community did. And it rules. You basically plug in your feed in one end, and a flash drive in the other, push record, and it pops out a nice MPEG for you! We have big plans for this bad boy, and one is tomorrow(Friday the 14th)! We’re going to get the Play Against Capcom happening again, and this time we’re going to record the footage for the rest of the Unity fans to see! Some cool news this time around though, we’ve decided to change the PAC a bit… If you play with us, you have a chance to win some Capcom goodies, swag, and games! We’ll be playing Age of Booty so check the blog here tomorrow for the time we’ll be on.

Just to show off the abilities of the new gizmo, here’s some recorded footage of Lost Planet.

So remember, Age of Booty tomorrow, and you have a chance at free stuff just for playing with us! See you there!