Weekly Capcom-Unity Monster Hunting: World Eater
Mar 25, 2011 // Snow
Saturday is fast approaching, which means it is time again for our Weekly Capcom-Unity meet-up in Monster Hunter Tri. But this Saturday is special, and opens up something brand new our weekly hunts have yet to see: The event quest, “World Eater” is available. What is “World Eater?” It’s a giant Deviljho. For those of you who have no idea what any of that means, it’s basically a quest no sane hunter would willing take on. If you’re not a tad on the insane side, this isn’t for you. If you laugh in the face of certain death, and invite it over for tea, you’re probably just enough off you’re rocker for this event.
If you’re looking to get some friendly and fun games going in Monster Hunter Tri, you’ll want to hop online this Saturday. Here are the quick details:
– Get online in Monster Hunter Tri this Saturday anytime
– Go to the Server Valor 4
– Head to Gate 40
– Unity will be waiting for you!
That’s the meet up destination, so expect to find fellow Capcom-Unity Monster Hunters through out the day. This is going on in both North America and Europe. If you’re playing in North America click here for more information, and if you’re playing in Europe click here .
It’s an all day event, but don’t feel obligated to be there the whole time. Just hop online and in that server and gate when you get a chance!
See you online, and happy hunting!