Weekly Capcom-Unity Monster Hunting
May 27, 2011 // Snow
It’s a long weekend for most of us, meaning extra time to play games! More specifically, time well spent hunting the ravenous creatures of Monster Hunter. This Saturday pop in Monster Hunter Tri in your Wii, and meet up with Capcom-Unity for epic hunting, BBQing, arm wrestling, drinking at the pub, and flaunting ones achievements in the world of Minegarde. Details are as follows:
– Get online in Monster Hunter Tri Saturday anytime
– Go to the Server Valor 4
– Head to Gate 40
– Capcom-Unity will be waiting for you!
That’s the meet up destination! Expect to find fellow Capcom-Unity Monster Hunters throughout the day. This event takes place both in North America and in Europe. If you’re playing in North America click here for more information, and if you’re playing in Europe click here .
It’s an all day event, but don’t feel obligated to be there the whole time. Just hop online and in that server and gate when you get a chance!