We need your input
Dec 20, 2012 // Sven
Ok guys, we’re putting out a survey to the public to see what you guys think about what we should be doing in the digital game space (not retail).
Obviously, we have many opinions internally and we’re looking to gather some data about your buying habits and what franchises and even title types, you’d like us to make in the future.
So to that end, I’ve been allowed to share this survey with all of you. The survey will only take a few minutes of your time and it’s a great opportunity to let your voices be heard directly.
There’s no guarantees on what the outcomes will be, but I promise you, this data will be a factor in our decision making process. I’ll be compiling the data in about a week (closing just after Christmas) and sharing the results internally with Japan before the end of the year.
Thanks in advance and have a happy holiday. 🙂