Want to Join Us at E3? Here’s How
May 04, 2011 // jgonzo
Hey folks! It’s time for our yearly tradition of selecting some very lucky Capcom Unity members to join us for E3 in Los Angeles this year! Mark your calendars for June 7th-June 9th and be sure that you will be able to provide your OWN housing, travel, food etc because we are ONLY taking care of tickets for the show (yeah I know, we’re terrible people). We’ll be hosting an exclusive preview event for these hand picked folks at some point (details to be determined soon) during E3, so you will definitely want to be there!
At any rate, here’s what you need to do: in the comments below, just let us know why you want to go to E3!
Yes, we know you are all big fans, but think about why we would want to choose you to go! One entry per Unity member.
Remember, you must take care of your own travel to Los Angeles, housing, and food and be over 18.
We will select the lucky few (very few) in a couple of days and contact the winners. Good luck!