Vote for Resident Evil 5 or Street Fighter IV on Spike TV Game Awards!
Nov 13, 2008 // Kramez
What Capcom games are you most looking forward to in 2009? Resident Evil? Street Fighter IV? Bionic Commando? Dark Void? Monster Hunter? Spike TV is letting you have your voice heard! Head over to their official website to cast your write-in vote for Most Anticipated Game of 2009. Might I suggest that you write in either Resident Evil 5 or Street Fighter IV? That would be very nice of you! In fact, ask your friends to also vote. You might even consider simply voting for your friends. The Chicago Mob helped Kennedy get elected in similar fashion, and look how well that turned out. If our games are nominated, I promise to attend the award show in LA and do something ridiculous, such as wear our giant bionic arm.