Vote for Capcom at the Golden Joysticks
Oct 16, 2013 // Neil Gortz
The 31st Golden Joysticks are upon us and the public voting stage is almost over. If you haven’t already could we please ask you to vote for your Capcom favourites that are up for awards? First up is Remember Me for Best Newcomer, if you played it an enjoyed it a Golden Joystick would really help boost the game’s profile. Monster Hunter 3U is up for Best Handheld Game, we KNOW you poured hundreds and hundreds of hours into this one, thank you so much for supporting the title, could we ask you to give it a push so the rest of the world knows how awesome it is? Finally DmC: Devil may Cry is up for two awards: – Best Visual design – & – “best moment” with the Bob Barbas boss fight. It would be great if you could help spread the word about how much you loved this one. Head on over to CVG and cast your votes, thanks for your time
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