Video Games Live concerts crisscrossing the globe, Capcom songs in the mix
May 08, 2012 // Minish Capcom
As a kid, the very idea of Video Games Live would have shattered my little mind. Game music, treated with dignity, played by reverant orchestras in a packed house full of fans? Insane. I’m very happy to say such a dreamlike event has come to pass, with VGL now celebrating 10 years of activity – and with more concert dates added all the time, the chance for you to experience the show rises by the month.
The next two shows on the roster are in Malaysia, and then in October the event travels to Chile, Brazil, Canada and beyond, but there’s one upcoming show in the US to consider – June 6, during E3 2012. Tickets are on sale right here , so if you’re in the Los Angeles area, grab ’em! We’re trying to secure some tickets for Unity giveaways as well, so look for that post in the coming days.
Capcom songs are often part of the shows, including songs from Mega Man, Resident Evil, Monster Hunter and Street Fighter. I’m not sure what the song list is for the June 6 LA show, but I do know Street Fighter is on the table.
So yeah, if you can make the trip out, head to the main site for tickets, or check out the Facebook page for more.