USFIV Free on Steam This Weekend
Jul 18, 2015 // ComboFiend
To commemorate this year’s EVO, the world’s largest fighting game open tournament and its feat of having over 2,200 entrants, Steam and Capcom have teamed up to provide USFIV for free this weekend, along with a 66% discount for those who wish to purchase it.
Free play lasts until Sunday, July 19th at 1pm (PDT), while the 66% off lasts until Monday, July 20th at 10am (PDT) with the deal ending Sunday, July 19th at 1pm. After Sunday, July 19th, the game will no longer load if you haven’t purchased it.
Although the EVO matches were quite hype yesterday, we all know nothing is more exciting than defeating opponents with your own two hands. So download USFIV now as there has never been a more perfect time to take the game for a spin.