Update on the Resident Evil Chopper: can haz spikes ‘n blades
Dec 12, 2009 // Kramez
The Resident Evil Chopper is coming closer and closer to completion, as you can see in these two new pictures that Savage Cycles just sent our way. I’m not 100% certain, but I’m going to go ahead and claim that this is the craziest, biggest licensed product for a video game series ever produced. You know you want one, admit it.
In the photo above, you can see some of the smaller details on the bike starting to emerge. Notice the zombie slicing blades on the drag bars as well as on the foot rest. You can see the Savage guys also had to tape over the ends of the spikes on the front wheel so they didn’t acidentally puncture themselves while working on the machine. And look at that engine, it’s a brute. Put a belt on that bad boy and it’s going to sound like the end of the world is coming.
Check out the forward profile of this machine — wicked. I like the louvered vents on the LED headlights. The segmented armor over the wheels is hotness; It’s like the chopper is riding on two gigantic, undoubtedly pissed off armadillos. The chopper is still a few weeks away from completion, so a lot of the roughness of the construction is going to slowly start fading out (like the weld spots on the wheel armor) as the finish is completed.
We’ll be debuting the first finished Resident Evil Chopper with Hollywood Inc and Savage Cycles at the Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino on Jan. 8. If you live in Vegas or plan to be in Sin City for the Consumer Electronics Show, you’ll have a chance to check out the bike (and maybe crash our Dark Void party) in person. We’ll have more details soon!