Unity Ustream Tonight: Monster Hunting with Capcom
May 17, 2010 // Snow
UPDATE: Thanks for tuning in everyone! We made some awesome Sharq Lances, we hunted some monsters, and had a blast. Catch you next time!
I just posted about an awesome new Lance (Sharq Attaq) you can get from one of the event quests in Monster Hunter Tri, and tonight we’re inviting you to come play the quests needed to get that lance. Tune in to the live Ustream tonight starting at about 5:30pm PST. We’ll hunt until we can’t hunts no moar!
If you want to join in the hunt, just look for me online. You can search for my name, “ Snow ” or my Hunter ID, “ ZPB912.”
UPDATE: Thanks for tuning in everyone! We made some awesome Sharq Lances, we hunted some monsters, and had a blast. Catch you next time!
Check out Xicy’s Stream too below for another view of the same hunt!