Unity Recommends: Halloween movies plus a game
Oct 31, 2008 // Kramez
I’d like to echo Seth’s sentiments with my own Halloween wishes for y’all: get lots of candy. And also, watch some fun movies tonight. Start with THE BEST ROMANTIC ZOMBIE COMEDY OF ALL TIME aka “Shaun of the Dead” and then working your way to some classics like John Carpenter’s “The Thing” and “Prince of Darkness,” Raimi’s awesome “Evil Dead II” and a real Peter Jackson movie, “Dead Alive.”
And if you have some time left over, play Dead Space. It’s quite good! Much more Doom 3 than Resident Evil 4, with more than a hint of “Event Horizon” thrown in for good measure.
Just looking at that image makes me want to go home right now and watch “Shaun” again. I love that movie!