Unity Recommends: Green Lantern animated feature trailer
Apr 07, 2009 // Kramez
I am a huge fan of Green Lantern , and the GL books have been on fire since Hal was Reborn. DC’s “Blackest Night” event is likely to be much, much better than the head-scratching crossovers of “Countdown,” “52” or the impenetrable nonsense of “Final Crisis,” which read like a twelve issue maxi-series with 5 issues cut out. PS: Batman’s dead? I digress (again). DC’s been cranking out some excellent direct to video animation features, particularly the New Frontier and Superman: Doomsday flicks, and the upcoming Green Lantern feature will most likely rock just as hard. Check out this behind-the-scenes trailer that recently popped up on the Green Lantern: First Flight website .
UPDATED: Moments after I finished my lunchtime trawl of Newsarama, Zartan shot me a link to the new trailer. Check it out as well (no embed on Newsarama, unfortunately)