Unity recommends: Doomsday
Aug 26, 2008 // Kramez
This movie has literally everything: Camera eyeballs. Gratuitous Mohawks. Accidental shotgun headshots. A gimp. Trashed APCs. Trashed Bentley. Trashed Glasgow. Multiple decapitations. Incongruous train escape. London burning. Leather pants. Leather boots. Leather everything. Car surfing. Slow motion knights on horseback. Exposed lady bits. Obviously expendable military hardasses. A dude who is neither quite the Ayatollah of Rock ‘n Rolla or The Duke , but almost. Extreme gore. Major daddy issues. Tattooed faces. Tattooed backs. Tattooed everything. Lock picking. Ass kicking. The world’s most dangerous bus. Crossbows. Foam grenades. Flying saw blades. Robotic gun turrets. A motorcycle with a skeleton on the front. Chicks sword fighting. Lots of shooting. Rioting. Cannibalism. Dance review numbers set to Fine Young Cannibals and Siouxsie and the Banshees. Exploding cars. Exploding rabbits. Exploding everything.
If you like your dystopian futures filled with vomiting infected Londoners and costume designs one part nine inch nails, one part Burning Man and 100% awesome, Doomsday is the movie for you. Your PS3 was designed specifically by Ken Kutaragi just to play a BluRay disc like this. Get it!