Unity Interviews: What makes Monster Hunter so Awesome?
May 08, 2009 // Snow
Our Monster Hunter Pro, Yuffie , has taken the liberty of interviewing some of the community’s big time hunters, ranging from average hunters, pro hunters, moderators, and even some Capcom employees. The gist of her interview is simple: What makes Monster Hunter so awesome ?
You hear a lot about Monster Hunter, with most players’ hours ranging into 100s, 500s, and even 1,000s! For a handheld game, it’s quite impressive to see someone spend that much time playing it.
Her goal was to find out what keeps hunters playing, and what drives them to spend that many hours in a single game.
1. What got you into Monster Hunter?
BTHR: I love Dragons and I saw a Dragon on the Case so i brought it.
Monarch: My brother told me it was made by CAPCOM, so I knew it was worth a try.
kaiser: Seeing my friends play MHF1, it seemed interesting so I got myself a copy
Bastion: Put simply, looking at the box and seeing all the cool weapons/monsters
Canti: A friend of mine mentioned it to me one day (PS2 MH) at school, then a few months later I got a PSP version.
DanMar: My friend introduced it to me, but the online experience got me hooked. (MH1) Making some good friends along the way kept me playing long term.
Fenris: I saw the ad for the game in a book that said how much customization you can do for your character.
kold213: I saw an ad for it on the back of an old GMR magazine. I thought, that looks cool. Understatement of the century..
MoisesL: Tips & Tricks magazine caught my eye, and then well.. eventually saw it at Blockbuster and never returned it, am I in trouble now?
Frostsoul388: It started when i played Monster Hunter on the ps2 it was so cool then and still is now.
Marcus: I just saw it and said Hey, that game looks like its fun, and it turned out alot better than I thought it was.
V-Jay: I got lucky by picking it up hoping it would be good, after looking at for weeks befor.
RuthlessKnight: I saw it at my friends, he let me barrow the game and I liked it so much I bought it.
B. R.: I couldn’t have been happier with any other game. I love MH more than any game in history.
Snow: Before I started working at Capcom, I noticed a bunch of people on Unity talking about it in the forums, and it seemed interesting, so I figured I’d give it a shot.
Click the more button for the rest of the interview!
2. What keeps you playing after all this time?
BTHR: The Challenge, The Unque Weapons, The Co-op and Solo Play
Kaiser: T he gratitude you get after slaying a monster, both in a group or solo. Also collecting armour and weapons
Bastion: the sense of accomplishment and progression, starting out from not even being able to kill a Vdrome to soloing a fatalis. epic
Canti: I like the challenge. Best game ever made.
DanMar: Friends who keep playing till this day. The hope for bigger and better versions on the next gen consoles.
kold213: I’d say it’s the feeling you get after taking down enormous dragons…
FH: Addiction :p. I’m not really sure, it might be the role playing, being the big great hunter/savior of the village. I love to run out and slaughter something huge. It feels like such an accomplishment.
FluxWolf: i had tons of friends who played with me and kept me sucked in for years, haven’t been able to turn back since…
MoisesL: I’d have to say the content, no matter what, there’s always something to do with Monster Hunter, you’re never truly done with the game.
Frostsoul388: Just like the hunter in pokke getting new material and either improving on current equipment or creating something else.
GunmanInc: The challenge. and its fun.
Marcus: The cats Nya! XD The Challenge of the game!
V-Jay: lots of replay value and its just plain fun, being able to constantly upgrade and change, as well as playing with who ever you want, any where.
RuthlessKnight: I like the group hunting.
Snow: Co-op and customization. Playing with friends never gets old, and the fact that we all have very unique characters is proof that this game has the content to keep you occupied for hours.
3. What do you love about Monster Hunter?
BHTR: Everything to be honest I can never get sick of the game its just EPIC and Legendary
Monarch: The amazing gameplay, to which there is hundreds of hours of!
kaiser: The gameplay, it really draws you in, its a lot deeper that what appears on the surface.
Bastion: The sense of scale. It reminds me of shadow of the colossus alot. You are just a normal person downing this gigantic and vicious creatures
Canti: Everything….but mainly the fact that it takes true skill to down a foe
DanMar: It’s different. You need actual skill to play. Spending hundreds of hours on a game and always having something new to do.
Fenris: its customization of a character, the lack of pressure the game puts on you to play by its rules to make any progress.
kold213: The tons of customization. Everything from armor to the color of your hair…
FH: Customization and You actually need some skill to play unlike most game.
FluxWolf: the community/friends, but in game i like how its simple yet very deep at the same time.
MoisesL: I would say the gameplay and the atmosphere it holds, definitely a unique game.
Frostsoul388: I love the fact that there are plenty of weapons and armor to base your character around and lets not forget the felynes that you meet.
GunmanInc: The neverending quest to obtain parts.
Marcus: What isn’t there to love about Monster Hunter.
V-Jay: Just about everything, plus the games just keep getting better!
RuthlessKnight: It’s fun and challenging.
B. R.: I love everything about MH. The people online when its servers were still up and running,
Snow: It’s hard to chose just one thing, so I’ll narrow it down to my top: co-op, massive scale, and customization.
4 . Favorite monster to take down?
BHTR: Rajang They are a beast
Monarch: The amazingly realistic physics of the weapons and monsters in a fantasy game! Without magic/spells/sorcery!
kaiser: My favourite monster to fight would be either teostra or akantor
Bastion: yamatsuki, by far the most unique fight and unique monster. So foreboding and enigmatic
Canti: Wow…now thats a thinker…Ummm….prolly vespoids :3
DanMar: The two raths as one would be closest to it (TP quest). Otherwise I’d say Shiro.
Fenris: any one still moving on the map.
kold213: My favorite, ever since MH on PS2, has been Khezu.
FH: Yamastukami 😛
FluxWolf: i always had the most fun taking down any of the elder dragons i think… teo/kusha are pretty sweet monsters 🙂
MoisesL: I love taking down a Rathian, she has always been a challenge and is always fun to fight. I love her new makeover in MH3 as well. ;]
GunmanInc: Rathalos!
Marcus: 2 Tigrexs in the same area. Its kinda crazy at times lol.
V-Jay: I like to kill, akantor, lao shan lung, yian kut ku, and sometimes a rajang.
RuthlessKnight: Lao and Fatalis.
B. R.: All of them actually. My least favorite one to take on was/is bufflangos and prey during carrying quests.
Snow: To this day one of my favorites is still the Rathalos.
5. What are you looking forward to in Monster Hunter Freedom Unite?
BHTR: A Monster Hunter Game that i don’t have to import to play and I can final do something with my friends again with the PSP
Monarch: On top of new maps, monsters, and features.
kaiser: Im really looking forward to battling the new monsters, aswell as using the felyne fighters
Bastion: all the new upgrades, the ability to finally fight Yamatsuki (YAY) and the return of the MH1 zones, the original zones
Canti: New monsters to fight (but really, im excited about everything :3)
DanMar: All the new content. Added customization of my item box. Some new monsters for a change of pace. The new areas will be nice to explore.
Fenris: New monsters, new items, new maps and all the classics. figuring out the attack styles of the new monsters so i can learn.
kold213: More of everything.
FH: Yamastukami 😛
FluxWolf: everything. kthx.
MoisesL: I’m really looking forward to starting fresh with all the new changes that were implemented within the game,
Frostsoul388: The chance to fight new and different monsters
GunmanInc: Id say the upgraded weapons.
V-Jay: lots, new monster diffidently, items, weapons, armor, but mostly the monsters!
RuthlessKnight: New monsters, weapons, armors, and hunting with friends.
Snow: Playing in English, of course!
6. What are you looking forward to in Monster Hunter tri.
BHTR: Montion Controls, I would love to swing my arms wildly trying to swing a Long sword.
Monarch: The amazing new game engine, graphics, and control style! And online multiplayer!! AND splitscreen multiplayer!!!
kaiser: The new monsters, i’m also excited to experience MH with an online town for the first time.
Bastion: Seeing a level of polish and detail in the games various mechanics once thought impossible. Even tho the monsters and weapons have been lessened
Canti: To be able to play with all of you guys online! 😀
DanMar: new experience. Based on what I’ve seen the game will have a different feel then the current series has. New monsters and areas. A decent next gen feel. Having an official way to play online.
Fenris: Everything!
kold213: Online gameplay, freshness!
FH: A fresh start but, ironically this is also what I am afraid of :S a new island, new monsters! new Equipment!
FluxWolf: Everything!
MoisesL: There’s so much freshness within the game, the new monsters with their greatly improved AI, the beautifully crafted enviroment that really brings out the Nintendo Wii’s potential, and of course.. the online mode.
GunmanInc: to many to list!
Marcus: The wicked looking monster that swims in the Ocean….I hope its armor look awesome. The new Enviroments. Im big on nice big Enviroments. and new Monster Really all together.
V-Jay: the new styles of playing, fighting not only in water but under it, thats awesome, plus new amazing monsters!
B. R.: I’m looking forward to being able to play imo the best game ever made with my friends.
Snow: New monsters, new weapons… Actually, to much to list, but I’m looking forward to everything about Tri.
As you can see, theres lots of reason to play. Be sure to check out Monster Hunter Freedom Unite when it hits shelves in June.
Thanks for the hard work in putting this together Yuffie !