Unity Arisen Share Tales from Gransys
Jun 13, 2012 // GregaMan
Tales abound from adventurous Arisen around the world of Gransys. Previously, I asked for the Dragon’s Dogma- playing Unity masses to contribute their best tales from their time with the game, promising great spoils for those who offered the most impressive ones.
As usual, Unity delivered in spades, with dozens upon dozens of epic stories that are sure to make anyone not currently playing Dragon’s Dogma wish they were.
Hit the jump to see our winning selection. Winners will be messaged shortly on Unity, and all participants will receive the Storyteller Badge!
Grand Prize
Story of the Knave
Tahldon, his main pawn Che’Velle, as well as his support pawns, Mariah and Angelica, arrived in Gran Soren and came upon a strange man desperately searching for a grimoire of one, Salomet, an allegedly esteemed wizard.
Accepting the quest, the group set out to obtain Salomet’s Grimoire. After a deal of time, the book was in hand. Tahldon now interested in the highly lauded diary, decided to visit the “Black Cat” to duplicate the book. After waiting what seemed to be an eternity, the scriber handed over a dupe. As soon as the forgery hit Tahldon’s hands, all three women whirled and came upon him. “Why the forgery, Arisen?”, they interrogated in unison. Clutching the texts to his chest, Tahldon rebutted “W-what? Why shouldn’t I have this book? I’m the Arisen aren’t I!?” The girls leered at him and suddenly seemed to not care about it. Tahldon griped, “I’d have a better use of this book than that sour old man will!”
Satisfied with his defense, Tahldon hurried off to hand in the fake. He approached the man, wearing a grin that would swell the pride of a direwolf and held out the forgery. Elated beyond words, the man yelped then snatched the book and scurried off. Rubbing his hands with a smirk, Tahldon retrieved the actual copy whipped it open.
As soon as he used the item, magical flames surrounded his hands. Staring on with a look of awe, he began to smile in amazement when, out of nowhere, a meteor landed behind him sending a local patron reeling into the sky.
Another whistled through the air and landed in the streets before him, crashing into the cobblestones with an impact as loud as the dragon’s own roar. As meteors buffeted the city, one of the Duke’s knights, standing right beside Tahldon, spun and seized him by the collar. “No use strugglin’!”, the knight said.
Tahldon stood in in the dungeon wearing prisoner’s rags and a look of horror and confusion, his eyes wide and his mouth agape. “W-what… the…hell …just happened?” he stammered.
This shall not be a long tale just a short one.
I was on my way to Gran Soren and was ignoring the map as I always do.
When I happen to come across a Cyclops, now usually this is not a problem so I decided to tackle it head on as always.
First things first I fire and Arrow at its eye to stun it. Then I run at it so I can jump on it to pull it down.
Now was on its leg slashing away with it swung its Club and knocked my Pawn clean off the Cliff.
Then it swung its Club and took the other Two Pawns off the cliff after the first.
At this point I was just like WTF and carried on slashing away as best as I could.
I come close to running out of Stamina so I was about to hop off to recover, when it decides to raise its leg and stomp taking my last bit of Stamina with it.
I am there panting for breath as you do, when it swung its club and hit me for six straight over the cliff.
Needless to say I died -_-
It felt as though I had been in the wood for days. I had found all of the familiar talismans, producing this thick fog, but still some remained in this mostly-unexplored tract. My mobility was hampered by this new heavy armor, and my familiar daggers and bow were replaced by a sword and shield. I was determined to test my mettle against my foes in a more direct fashion.
It was this determination that spurred me onward to new heights of glory.
I decided to leave the beaten path, because the talismans creating this clinging mist had to be somewhere, and the path wasn’t it. I followed a side road down to a small lake. My lantern’s light made everything cast long shadows, but I spotted a strangely-shaped yet familiar rock hiding in plain sight.
“Best not to wake him,” I muttered, as I passed this golem by.
In the middle of the lake, I spotted an island, with yet another strange object. This one was not quite stone; its sheen was very telling in that regard. This demanded further investigation, because surely it had to hide some secret.
“Metal golem!” My pawns screamed at me as it rose to life. I kept my distance, looking for its medallions so that I might focus my attacks, but noticed that they were not on its body. Rather, they were hidden all around this area, each one sending bolts of focused energy to power the golem.
I set to work, breaking each one in turn, dodging the golem’s attacks, until at last one remained. I saw it, up in a tree. My pawns occasionally pelted it with magic, but it still hung there, resolute, completely ignoring their magickal assaults.
Without my trusty arrows, I had to use something to get me up there, and only one thing was tall enough: The golem.
I climbed with all my might, and leapt from its head. I was able to get JUST high enough to hit it! I repeated the process, climbing and jumping, until finally the golem fell. It was not strength of arm that brought it down, but rather strength of leg and a will to reach new heights.
Accepted some quests, one to slay a bunch of skeletons and another to slay two ogres.
First time in the Everfall, not knowing what I will face, I knock a few bats out of the air with some well placed kicks to their faces and burn a few undead to a crisp with my magic daggers of fire. Then I here it, grunting and the sound of slobbery munching, it comes into the light of my lantern, the ugliest thing this side of a cyclops’s rear end….an ogre.
The battle begins, my arrows fly true and hit their mark the ogre’s ugly mug, my pawns, having knowledge of ogres play it safe and attack when there is an opening. Then after the ogre attempts to drop kick me, but ends up coming short, I see it, an opening. I grab onto it’s back and climb up to the back of it’s neck and start slashing away with my dagger. Now engaged the ogre jumps up and slams down on it’s back with me as it’s pack, I take severe damage.
Clambering to get up as I am on the edge of the walkway, I finally stand. About to heal, the ogre charges again to drop kick me off of the edge and to my grave. Remembering that I have learned the skills of the dagger I roll off and grip the edge just in time to evade the ogre’s attack and to see him sail off of the edge and plummet to his demise.
Along the South-West area of Gransys, I and my trusted pawns made our way through the beautiful forest.
We had been on a long journey, travelling from Gran Soren, avoiding the Quarry shortcut. With the simple desire of exploration I went to step foot in this unknown land.
We had adventured for a while and I thought it best to return before it grew dark. While heading back I look to my left I saw a large black wing through the thick trees.
“A Dragon! Surely there would not be such a beast around these parts” I stated. Curiosity had taken the better of me as I made my way closer to the dragon.
As I grew closer to the beast my pawn Amakou shouted “A Drake Master!” I stared at the Drake in awe.
I thought best to leave before trouble came, though I was too late.
The Drake took flight above the trees quickly showering down on my position with its fiery breath. A pawn was caught in the blaze, leaving him incapacitated. By seeing such power I could only think to myself “This cannot bode well for me”.
I take out my magic bow ready for a fight, though how effective we will be I could not tell.
We battled on against this foe, pulling it from the very heavens down to earth and slashing our cold steel against its revealed heart.
At this point my once limited supplies became almost bare. The Drake let out a vicious roar, incapacitating two of my pawns.
My options ran scarce. “Is this the end of my adventure already?”
The Drake’s health was low, though mine even lower. I had but one option left, I had to use my sacrificial bolt.
I looked at my pawn while charging the bolt. Saddened at both losing my loyal pawns but also at taking her life.
Amakou battled the Drake buying me time, the bolt was finally charged and my pawn’s life was forfeit.
I fired the bolt straight into the Drake’s heart, destroying the foul beast, at the cost of my pawns lives. I picked up the scraps and made my lonely journey back to Gran Soren as the sun began to rise.
An unforgettable experience.
Congrats to all winners, and many thanks to all who participated! Keep on adventuring!