Ultra Rad 1980s Capcom Arcade Commercials
May 29, 2013 // Chris
Flying war babies, horrifying animation and other fun-filled blasts from marketing’s past…
While I doubt anyone out there would say they “love commercials,” but I could probably watch 1980s video game commercials on an endless loop all the live long day. And that goes double if they’re from Japan! Truth be told, these overseas commercials are advertising the console counterparts of what you’ll find in the Capcom Arcade Cabinet ( now 50% off on XBLA and PSN ) but damned if they won’t tickle the nostalgic bone in all of us nonetheless.
Flying World War II Baby wins the Battle of Midway!
Cartoon Commandos bring justice to the world!
Ghosts N’ Goblins
A briefly animated Asteroth is better than no animated Asteroth!
No, not that Ryu. And not that Trojan!
If anybody can dust off any other commercials relating to any of the 17 games in the Capcom Arcade Cabinet , throw ‘em in the comments ‘cause we’d love to seem ‘em! We’re doing a ton of classic features this week, as well as giving away a ton of Capcom Arcade Cabinet fightsticks leading up to our rip-roarin’ CAC Slumber Party this Friday . Oh, and while we have your attention, how do you think our classic Capcom video stacks up to the ancient videos above?!