Ultra-classy Ace Attorney 3DS XL case now available for pre-order
Jan 20, 2014 // Chris
Perfect for the player who finds that humdrum, default 3DS XL exterior even slightly objectionable [UPDATED: Larger image of the case added!]
Quick: You’ve been invited to dinner with the President! Or maybe Senior Prom, or… something formal, is what I’m getting at! How exactly do you snazz up your 3DS into something you’d be proud to present as part of a pressed suit/shined shoe ensemble? Leave it to the Capcom Store to offer a solution:
P rototype, subject to change (although probably not by much)
Tis a beautiful sight, no? Now your 3DS XL can rock a highly classy, felt-lined 3DS case styled with all the minimalist savvy of Phoenix Wright and his iconic suit . This two piece case is coming out in late March 2014, but for those of you who want to make 100% sure you secure one, we recommend you PRE-ORDER NOW .
How the case works (swap Monster Hunter with Ace Attorney in your mind!)
We’re a big fan of these cases and they’ve received praise from Monster Hunter and Mega Man fans in the past. At just $19.99, it’s also an inexpensive way to provide your 3DS XL with a little extra safety and style, to say nothing of showing some love for Ace Attorney . Here’s that pre-order link once again.