Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (PS Vita) – DLC Update
Feb 24, 2012 // MikeeB
We’ve gotten a number of reports from you guys that some of the DLC for Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 on PlayStation Vita is missing from the PlayStation Vita storefront. I can now confirm that the Jill Valentine character, Shuma-Gorath character, and Costume Pack 1 (Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, Chris, Ryu, Dante) aren’t available for download on the Vita store just yet. All other DLC content for UMVC3 Vita is unaffected and available now.
We looked into this and discovered some last minute issues associating the content with UMVC3 Vita and making sure it would share properly between your PS3 and PS Vita. Since these DLC packs originally were associated with the original Marvel vs. Capcom 3 on PS3 we needed to make sure that all the content would both function and share properly between whatever version you might be playing on. Everything has been addressed and Jill, Shuma and Costume Pack 1 will be available on the PlayStation Vita storefront next week Tuesday (2/28) during the regularly scheduled PSN weekly update.
Thanks and apologies for the inconvenience!