Udon SDCC Exclusives Available for PreOrder
Jul 01, 2015 // ComboFiend
Hey Capcom fighting game lovers, I have some exciting news regarding Udon’s San Diego Comic-Con exclusives . This year Udon is pulling out all the stops with three limited edition hardcover offerings: Street Fighter V – The Life and Death of Charlie Nash , Capcom Fighting Tribute (Convention Exclusive) and last but not least Street Fighter 25 – Akiman Hardcover Edition.
It doesn’t end there however, as Akiman will make an extremely rare appearance at the Udon booth on Saturday July 11 th to sign purchased Street Fighter 25 – Akiman books, a definite once in a lifetime experience.
Continue on for more information on each item and how to preorder to maximize your chances to score these exclusives!
The Life and Death of Charlie Nash
This 48 page hardcover exclusive explores the life and death of Charlie Nash leading up to SFV. See what Nash has been up to since his last appearance in Udon’s comics.
There are only 300 copies of this available at SDCC, so you can expect these to go fast. Reserve yours today.
Capcom Fighting Tribute – Convention Exclusive Hardcover
This 280 page tribute book contains art spanning all of Capcom’s famous fighters: Darkstalkers, Street Fighter, Rival Schools and Red Earth to name a few. In addition to receiving this tribute book, collectors will also receive an exclusive Evil Ryu Metal Trading Card.
There will only be 250 copies present, hopefully you’re able to get one as supplies are limited.
Street Fighter 25 – Akiman Hardcover Limited Edition
The legendary Akiman will be at SDCC to sign Udon’s exclusive Akiman Hardcover Street Fighter 25 th tribute books. With only 200 copies present, these books are definitely the rarest of the rare. In addition to receiving this tribute book, collectors will also receive one randomly selected Street Fighter metal card.
If you’re going to SDCC, you’ll definitely want to reserve yours today .
For those that wishing to obtain Akiman’s signature, you must be present at the booth between 1:00pm and 3:00pm on Saturday, July 11 th , 2015 (NO EXCEPTIONS).
And just because they’re so awesome, here’s some more shots of the metallic trading cards!
For reference, here’s the full set of rules for the pre-orders:
2. You must be able to pick up your pre-ordered items at the UDON Entertainment booth (#4529) during show hours between the start of Preview Night on Wednesday, July 8th, 2015 and 12:00pm on Sunday, July 12th, 2015.
3. For verification purposes, at the time of pick-up you must present a print-out of the order confirmation email, one form of photo ID with address, and the credit card associated with the order.
4. All pre-orders are final and non-refundable. Orders not claimed at the UDON booth by the pick-up deadline (see #2 above) are considered abandoned and automatically forfeited. After the deadline, any unclaimed products will be sold at the booth on a first-come, first-served basis.
I personally can’t wait to get my hands on the trading cards, Nash hardcover comic and Akiman’s signature. If you’re going to comic-con, Udon’s booth is definitely where you want to be at!
See you guys there.