They fought the law and the law won?
Sep 18, 2013 // Neil Gortz
It’s a pretty exciting time in videogames just now, certainly an exciting time to be a law breaking antihero wouldn’t you say? It seems an appropriate time to pay homage to some of our favourite Capcom characters who have had a brush with the law.
See who made public enemy number one after the cut. (Oh yeah…spoilers ahead)
Nilin Cartier-Wells
Crimes: Assault on Memorize officers, corporate espionage, belong to a terrorist organisation, unsanctioned memory remixes, inciting revolution.
Public Enemy Number One is not a title that any debutant should be proud of earning, yet the privileged upbringing of young Nilin (how can a girl who owned a Jax Panda fall so far?) did little to slow down her criminal career and signing up with the Errorists. When we first encounter Nilin she is locked up in Bastille Fortress and sentenced to having her remaining memories scrubbed due to her criminal activity. Promptly escaping this facility with the help of Edge she then perpetrates a series of highly illegal and unsanctioned memory remixes that as a result bring Neo Paris to its knees.
Nathan Spencer
Crimes: Failure to carry out direct orders, cursing in public, non-military compliant haircut
It is one thing to be stripped of your rank, but it’s quite another to be stripped of your cyber arm. Not that Nathan “RAD” Spencer was given much of a trial – more so he was imprisoned for failing to carry out his sworn duty of rounding up bionics destined for rehabilitation. Luckily for Spencer the attack by terrorist organisation “BioReign” not only delayed his execution but afforded him the chance to go straight. Far from being grateful Spencer retains his problem with authority whilst carrying out his community service. Nathan needs to realise that his liaison officer “Super Joe” has his best interests at heart or it may well be a life in and out of correctional facilities for Spencer. Right?
Cody Travers
“I’ve saved the city, saved the girl, but couldn’t save myself”
Crimes: Brawling, Destruction of Property, possession of controlled substance
No one is denying that Cody’s vigilante efforts rid Metro City of the Mad Gear gang but not even letters of recommendation from Mayor Mike Haggar have kept Cody out of the penal system. Seemingly unable to resist confrontation Cody has seemingly become indoctrinated with his incarcerated lifestyle – supposedly his first visit to the joint was taking the rap for his friend Guy. Whilst his early criminal infractions seem limited to illegal fighting clubs Cody showed promise successfully rehabilitating himself from the street drug Glow, however his refusal to remain incarcerated (breaking out of prison and seeking confrontation to cure his “boredom”) displays a blatant disregard for the justice system and until he does his “time” Cody will for the foreseeable future remain a danger to himself and others.
The Arisen
Crimes: Treason, High treason, regicide.
“It’s not what it looks like” is rarely a successful legal defence, especially when the Arisen is found in the bedchambers of the Duke’s love interest but then again in Gran Soren nothing is truly what it seems. Despite a truly heroic campaign saving the land from multiple beast attacks, bandit culling, bounty hunting and stopping cult uprisings the sight of the Arisen where they shouldn’t be leads the Duke to demanding they be sent to the dungeon. Far from contemplating their crimes the Arisen promptly escapes, re-joins their pawns and continues on their quest without the Duke’s blessing.
These may be exceptional circumstances but the Arisen’s blatant disregard for the Duke’s legal system earns them a place on the list, the less said about the Duke’s demise and the “out of the frying pan into the fire” implications the better.
Billy Coen
Crimes: 23 counts of first degree murder.
“I’ve only got two choices left; I can either report to the marines and serve out my sentence or keep on running for as long as I can”
There’s bad days and there is a Billy Coen bad day – whilst being transported to death row at Regathon Base to serve his (falsely attributed) sentence Billy’s vehicle was forced from the road, his guards killed and he was forced to flee for his life from a pack of hungry Cerberus dogs before seeking shelter in a zombie infested train the Ecliptic Express. That was only the start of Billy’s bad luck that day.
Though resident Evil has no shortage of criminal villains Billy is special in that he has yet to be “brought to justice”. Thanks to Rebecca Chambers filing a report that listed him as dead when he made his escape over the Arklay mountains and the destruction of Racoon City condemning the truth to the ashes the chances of him resurfacing are slim. For the time being he lives on as Resident Evil’s jail prison dodging anti-hero.
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