The World Warriors looking fierce in this fan-made SF LEGO set
Jan 02, 2013 // Yuri Araujo
A while ago, Street Fighter and LEGO fan Julian Fong had the brilliant idea of combining the two brands together. Well, a year and a half later and the entire cast of Super Street Fighter II Turbo is now LEGO -fied – except for Fei Long, who is not interesting according to Fong. I bet he’s just saying that to buy some time and work on the life-size version of Fei Long… or something like that.
Random speculation aside, check out his Flickr account for more shots of these and other custom made LEGO minifigures.
My favorite has got to be Dee Jay – just look at the faithfully recreated MAXIMUM on the side of his pants… anyways, what do you think? Got a favorite already?
via Forbes