The Weekly Mega Man 10 Robot Master Fan Art Contest: Week 1 – Commando Man
Jan 18, 2010 // jgonzo
Commando Man
A mine-sweeper robot responsible for removing land-mines by remote detonation of small explosives. He is busy fielding requests for his services from countries worldwide and also enjoys being able to taste oil from all over the world. Commando Man’s attack “Commando Bomb” is an intense blast wave!
We’re celebrating Mega Man 10 in a huge way here on Capcom Unity by throwing one of our biggest contests ever!
Back when Sheep Man was first revealed in Nintendo Power, we were incredibly surprised at how fast fan art was generated for them (within 24 hours).
We’re taking that idea and turning it up a notch.
Every week (beginning today) we’ll feature one of the new robot masters in Mega Man 10 . The contest is this: draw or create something featuring that specific robot master. Now that we have their official bios out , there’s more information available about each robot master to get started with. This week, it’s Commando Man!
You’ll have until Friday at 7:00AM PST to submit your art. Send your art to me via private message (labeled Commando Man Art Submission) and on Friday, we’ll put out a poll featuring everyone’s art. The winner of each week will receive free copies of Udon’s Mega Man and Mega Man X: Official Complete Works Art Books and be eligible for the finals.
The finals will pit all of the winners from each week against each other for a very special grand prize: a signed sketch by none other than Keiji Inafune and/or Hitoshi Ariga (as seen during December’s Mega Man birthday celebration)!
Get ready to put those creative and artistic skills to good use!
Hit the jump for rules and the contest schedule.
Some contest rules:
You may only enter 1 piece per week and it MUST feature the featured robot master for that week. We must receive your art for that week by 7:00AM PST on Friday. All fan art is eligible for this contest (including the fan art that we’ve featured before on the blog). You may not solicit votes in a way that is deemed unfair (ie bribery, mass spamming, etc).
This contest is open to all, meaning our international friends ARE included!
Week 1: January 18th – Commando Man
Week 2: January 25th – Robot Master 2
Week 3: February 1st – Robot Master 3
Week 4: February 8th – Robot Master 4
Week 5: February 15th – Robot Master 5
Week 6: February 22nd – Robot Master 6
Week 7: March 1st – Robot Master 7
Week 8: March 8th – Robot Master 8
Week 9: March 15th – ????
Week 10: March 22nd – FINALS