The Street Fighter that never was
Sep 22, 2011 // Minish Capcom
Just before heading off to tonight’s Fight Club , I came accross this ScrewAttack video that reveals a proposed Street Fighter character that didn’t quite make the cut. Seth Killian has the details…
As you might suspect, there are dozens and dozens of concepts thrown around for new fighting game characters, but few get past that initial pitch phase or basic concept art. This “Kung Fu Clown,” however, apparently made it just a tad further. Seth then makes a sketch truly worthy of an “A+ Grape Job” sticker, which is still two grades higher than anything I can achieve.
But imagine that… a clown in Super Street Fighter IV. It totally almost happened. (Sort of.)
Via ScrewAttack (thanks Bryan!)
::UPDATE:: Note that the clown character was one of hundreds and hundreds of suggested designs, and never really made it past the initial proposal phase. I mean come on.
[Edited By Moderator]