The SFIV Wall of Shame
Apr 01, 2009 // s-kill
If that’s ever happened to you, set your expectations to “lulz” and check out the SFIV ” Bad Losers Wall of Shame .” Via the magic of photo and video evidence, it’s chock full of players caught with their hands in the Battle Point cookie jar.
Now I’m sure some of these guys may have had legit excuses for disconnecting just as they were about to get Ultra’d and lose. As a man with an occasionally spotty internet connection, I sympathize, but most of the followup messages they sent make it pretty clear this wasn’t a hacker jacking your connect to download The Neverending Story.
Note: the language in some of these messages will look tame to anyone who has spent 5 minutes playing Halo against the usual crew of ADD spazzes, but ragequitting makes people say some nasty stuff.
In other news, have faith–SFIV has a sweet new puller-punishing system is on its way…