The Protomen Return
Sep 10, 2009 // s-kill
The Protomen . What to say about them?
They’re mysterious, that much is for sure. They also stole my megaphone. That much is also for sure. Beyond that, who can say–they use pseudonyms, wear costumes, and speak in musical parables about Dr. Light, robot hordes, and oppression.
While there are a few nods to the in-game music of Mega Man, most of their recorded work is closer to serious rock-opera rather than the 8-bit, chip-tune style of other videogame-inspired artists. In fact, if you don’t listen closely, you could easily miss the Mega Man influence entirely, and I say that in a good way. They treat Mega Man canon the way Conor Oberst treats his past relationships. They also have one hell of a live show.
What else is for sure is that they have a new album out, a lighthearted romp called Act II – The Father of Death. Check out some of their previous work here , or a full track from the new album here .