The Official Captivate Orange Does E3
Jun 13, 2011 // The Neo Deus
You’ve seen plenty of Capcom E3 coverage. You’ve seen our new games, you’ve seen our trailers, you’ve seen our screenshots, you’ve seen our live streams. But have you seen our fruit-based photography?
Likely, no. And that’s just disappointing . But never fret, we’re going to fix that right now , with our favorite edible employee, the Official Captivate Orange! You may remember the Official Captivate Orange’s adventures in the Capcom US offices during Captivate week. Well, this time, he’s managed to actually make it to E3. And he has pictures to show off all of his doings for the week; the who’s , what’s and where’s are all here!
Fair warning, this is a very image-heavy post; the Official Captivate Orange is just that photogenic. So if you’re on a mobile device or are one of the 2% of people still using dial-up, you may want to skip out on these adventures. For everyone else interested in citric shenanigans, hit the jump to see the adventures!
Getting to the Show
The Official Captivate Orange came in early Monday to prep for the show and was excited to see the Los Angeles Convention Center. The rest of his team then forced him to pay $60 for cab fare.
The Official Captivate Orange visited the Staples center next door, but was happy that there was no NBA finals here this year. Should there be post-game celebrations/riots, the oranges are also the first to get squished.
Capcom had a couple of ridiculously large banners posted on the walls of the LA Convention Center. The Official Captivate Orange asked if he could take them down to put up in his bedroom, but then realized he has no home.
Around E3
The Official Captivate Orange decided to greet/mock all the E3 attendees who had to wait outside the doors before the show started. They booed him, but that kind of stuff rolls off the Official Captivate Orange like water off a duck. Or off an orange.
You may think the Official Captivate Orange is just some random orange, but he has connections in the catering platter industry, so he was able to get into all three console publishers press conferences. Here he is at the Microsoft conference.
The Official Captivate Orange also attended the Sony Press Conference, where he saw the announcement of Street Fighter x Tekken for the PlayStation Vita.
The Official Captivate Orange, despite wearing these 3D glasses, still could not see in 3D, as he doesn’t have eyes. Also, the hair behind him is not a wig, but someone else’s head. Would have made a nice wig, though.
The Official Captivate Orange was also there when the WiiU was announced.
The Official Captivate Orange tried to steal secret’s from Sven’s iPad, but upon seeing one of his rival fruits used as a mascot for a product, he became disgusted and left.
The Official Captivate Orange was originally skeptical about sitting in an electric chair, but upon learning that the head plate was about three feet too high to make contact, he knew he was safe from damage. The cardboard zombie, though, still caused some consternation.
While the Official Captivate Orange has no weapon, nor arms to wield one, he felt that this robots had things covered.
These two Nyko ladies put a red wig onto the Official Captivate Orange. He was unsure how he felt about that.
The Official Captivate Orange didn’t mind too much about the fact that there was a skeleton holding a skull. The teeth so close to the Official Captivate Orange’s rind, though, was a valid concern.
The Official Captivate Orange saw this lemon, and laughed…
…but the Official Captivate Orange thought this concession stand was even better.
The Official Captivate Orange was hoping to stand by the Lord of the Rings scenery and shout ” You shall not pass! ” However, he couldn’t find his wizard hat, so it was a hollow victory at best.
The Official Captivate Orange was creeped out by these people dressed up as non-people. He would only take a picture from a distance.
The Official Captivate Orange had nothing to due with this crash. Anyone saying otherwise is lying.
The Official Captivate Orange challenged a half-consumed bottle of orange juice to a Street Fighter x Tekken match. Seeing as neither could manipulate the game, it ended in a draw.
Marcus Fenix had t cover his face, as the Official Captivate Orange is so manly that it caused the space marine to feel shame.
The Official Captivate Orange liked this throne. He couldn’t put his nonexistent finger on why.
We all know that teddy bears as soft and cuddly. But did you know that teddy bears consider the Official Captivate Orange as soft and cuddly themselves? These ones did, at least.
The Official Captivate Orange wanted to drive this tank, but the security had other plans. So he just took a picture with the tank instead.
The Official Captivate Orange had no idea what these things were, but he took a picture with them regardless.
The Official Captivate Orange took apart one of the MadCatz TE FightSticks to mess around with the insides, thus voiding the warranty. He then spilled his soda on it.
The Official Captivate Orange was attracted to the color of this sign. The X-Play crew then asked him for an interview, but he doesn’t do interviews.
Except, of course, for this one. If you didn’t see Snow’s live streamed interview of the Official Captivate Orange, you missed out!
Meeting Folks
Sven answered a couple of informative questions for the Official Captivate Orange. However, since it wasn’t in the Ask Capcom forums, you’ll never know what games were revealed.
Snow cradled the Official Captivate Orange in his hands, safe and strong!
After spending time with his creepy Mega Man mask, the Official Captivate Orange was finally able to meet with Seth Killian. And no, that backlighting is not bad photography – Seth Killian is, in fact, God himself.
The Official Captivate Orange was super excited to meet Blanka! Oh, yeah, and Street Fighter brand Producer Yoshinori Ono was there, too.
And here the Official Captivate Orange had an opportunity to meet with Hiroyuki Kobayashi, producer of a veritable boatload of games, including Resident Evil 4 , Devil May Cry 4 , and most recently, Dragon’s Dogma . The Official Captivate Orange asked for tips on how to get such luxurious hair. Kobayashi-san said that the first step is to grow hair.
Josh Bridge, senior producer at Capcom Vancouver, took a moment to contemplate the Official Captivate Orange. Those sunglasses are contemplation sunglasses.
The Official Captivate Orange allowed Mikeeb to perfect his Hadouken maneuvering.
Vabor decided to allow Vector to smell the Official Captivate Orange. Unfortunately, gas masks are not conducive to smelling things. Also in this picture, Leon “David Bowie Lookalike” Kennedy x2.
Double-r and the Official Captivate Orange take an emo pose pic. You just can’t tell, as the Official Captivate Orange has no hair to comb over his eye (as Kobayashi-san was quick to point out).
Karl, one of the blog admin over at Capcom-Europe , was friendly enough to say “Chip, chip, cheerio!” to the Official Captivate Orange. (They still say that in England, right?)
The Official Captivate Orange knew that he wanted to take a picture with the visiting Capcom-Unity members. Here he is with member Japan Time !
And here he is with Will/Shockwave . (They had a little bit of an argument about what Lost Planet 2 VS Model was best, hence Will’s threatening gesture.) Unfortunately, the Official Captivate Orange never had a chance to meet the other Capcom-Unity members who were visiting. It was a mutual loss.
Deezie fulfilled his lifelong dream of meeting the Official Captivate Orange, and isn’t afraid to show it.
Jenny and the Official Captivate Orange taking a glamor shot (or, as they say in Canada, a glamour shot)!
The Official Captivate Orange asked for a kiss from Chari, but she was spoken for. He was unhappy about this turn of events.
Here the Official Captivate Orange got a chance to discuss frame data with Keits, Ultra David, and Skisonic from Shoryuken.com .
Gootecks and Mike “Mike Ross” Ross from Cross Counter TV asked the Official Captivate Orange for some MvC3 tips, but if he were to give away his secret tech, the Official Captivate Orange would not be the best .
The Official Captivate Orange had a chance to relax with Francis, the man responsible for Capcom’s awesome booth (which you can see here ). They both need a nap.
Remembering the fun times they had during Captivate, Liz from Creative Services was excited that the Official Captivate Orange had come to E3. Also, there’s Capcom-branded water. Watch your back, Dasani!
The Official Captivate Orange did not appreciate Brian from our submissions team trying to eat him.
The Official Captivate Orange didn’t want to take a picture with this loser, but pity took over and he conceded to one shot.
The After Parties
And with the show over and the monitors being taken down, the Official Captivate Orange takes a moment to sit down before heading out for a night on the town.
The Official Captivate Orange tried to dress up all classy-like for some of the parties, but realized that he cannot tie a Half-Windsor to save his life. So he just went in the buff.
Greg/Grega Man and the Official Captivate Orange hit it off great. In fact, it is said that if you can balance an orange on Greg’s head, there will be two more weeks of Spring.
The Official Captivate Orange, being a plant, has no issues with eating sushi and BBQ ribs. Don’t ask him to eat veggies, though. It gets awkward.
The waiting staff had no issue providing the Official Captivate Orange with a beer, two types of wine, and a Long Island iced tea. Remember kids, always in moderation!
Later, at a rooftop party, the Official Captivate Orange made sure to take in the sights of the city on a beautiful LA night.
One of the waitresses at the party took an interest in the Official Captivate Orange, because he got game. They had a lovely conversation about Keynesian economics and the deep-fried meatballs she was holding.
Champagne, cocktails, and Kanye glasses that light up. This, plus the drinks from earlier, and the Official Captivate Orange knows he’s going to be in trouble later.
Yep. Before he knew what was coming, the Official Captivate Orange was face-down in the pool. (Luckily, oranges float. Bet ya didn’t you know that, nor had reason to!)
The Official Captivate Orange had to be carried back to his hotel, where he was placed on his bed and passed out, ready for the plane to take him home.
And once all is said and done, the Official Captivate Orange is looking a little worse for wear after his week of intense E3 action, as this HDR image shows. But now he’s going to get few good nights of sleep, maybe a Swiss massage, and some soup. I have a feeling that by the time we see the Official Captivate Orange next, he’s going to be so refreshed, he’ll look like a whole new orange! A whole new orange !
And that’s that, you just finished reading a blog post with over 50 pictures of an orange at a convention, repping a gaming company. What has this world come to?