The Monster Hunter fan art of polarityplus
Aug 07, 2013 // Yuri Araujo
Time for another Monster Hunter fan art hightlight… let’s take a look at Deviantartist polarityplus ‘ artwork:
While this isn’t a set feature yet, you might recall that I once posted a collections of fan art from PE Travers , ILOG , Hidehiko and RaiN . I occasionally do that when I see a particular artist has a significant amount of MH fan art and something that comes accross as striking, be it a given style, theme or just because I like their work… yes, art is subjective you know? =P
Anyways, turns out polarityplus has so much great artwork that I am reluctant to post it all here… so I picked out 7 of my favorites:
As you can see, the art is really great! And it’s one of the few artists I’ve seen that took time to portray scenes like snuggling the Poogie, signing up for a quest and even saving the game’s data (all made it to my list above, lol).
If you wanna see the rest of Monster Hunter fan art (and you do!) just head on to polarityplus’s Monster Hunter gallery . Again, there are so many more that I wanted to post… so please let me know your favorites. =)