The Monster Hunter cosplayers of Anime Expo 2013
Jul 10, 2013 // Yuri Araujo
Last weekend we brought Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (and our usual hunting lounge setup with power strips and seating) as well as Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies to Anime Expo 2013 and had a blast demoing the games, hunting, and meeting some of you in person.
But the most fun part was probably seeing all the Monster Hunter cosplayers. And we have tons of photos!
Half-way through the first day of the show I heard there was a MH cosplay gathering on the second day, so I escaped my booth duties for that half hour and took these shots:
You can see some amazing armor sets, including the guy with a Rathalos Helm and the Japanese DLC Attack on Titan suit, a Bone Helm + Congalala gear combo, the classic Kirin outfit, an armor set from Monster Hunter Frontier and what I think is the Alatreon set.
But would it really be MH if they didn’t break out the hilarious gestures??? Keep scrolling down to see what it’s all about.
Then some other cosplayers walked by our booth – we stopped everything we were doing to take pictures, naturally…
And here we see again the same guy who sported the Bone+Congalala armor combination, now posing with the Great Sword attached to his back!
And finally we got to meet Kinokashi (the one with the MHFrontier armor in the first shot), who is an avid huntress and long-time cosplayer – she told me she made about 6 different armor sets!!
Here she is with her latest itteration of the Yukumo set:
But it doesn’t end here! She also posted a bunch of other pictures here on Unity and started a forum thread so you can post more cosplay pictures from Anime Expo 2013!
That was a lot… and that’s all we’ve got for now. But, like I said, there’s a thread ( right here ) where you can see more photos from Kino and even post your own, if you’ve been to the show!