The Megas Go All Acoustic, and the Result is Phenomenal
Feb 11, 2010 // jgonzo
We’ve covered the Megas here on the blog before (you can read stories here , here , and waaaaay back here ) and I’m pretty excited to let you guys know that they’ve just released an acoustic version of their last album, Get Equipped, called (what else) Get Acoustic .
It is amazing.
If you didn’t know, Get Equipped and Get Acoustic are both tributes to current Capcom Game Club selection , Mega Man 2.
Above you’ll find Bubble Man’s song “Promise of Redemption” and after the break, Air Man’s “The Annihilation of Monsteropolis”.
This is pretty much the best thing I’ve heard in quite some time and hopefully, you’ll enjoy it as well.
For more information, visit their website .
Thanks to HeavyHorse for the tip!