The Mega Man Network Wants Your MML3 Promotional Ideas
May 02, 2011 // jgonzo
The Mega Man Network staff is pretty classy, but you clearly already know this. In a move that both warms my heart and makes me feel proud of our Mega Man community, TMMN have gone grassroots on us and have created a fantastic contest to help promote the MML3 cause.
Head on over here for complete details, but the gist of it is that they are looking for incredible ideas to help promote Mega Man Legends 3. The grand prize is a Nintendo 3DS so it’s definitely worth your time and effort!
This is a fantastic opportunity to help promote Mega Man Legends 3 AND have the possibility of winning a Nintendo 3DS! Thanks once again to TMMN and to everyone that plans on participating, for this is truly the spirit of community!