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The Last Street Fighter Club

Jan 19, 2009 // Snow

The last Street Fighter Club is done and over… It was a great event in San Francisco, and a lot of you Unity members came along for the food, drinks, and a chance to play SFIV. Hardcore SF fans from all around came to show off their skills, like SF legend and 2 time EVO Champion John Choi, and one of Unity’s stick gurus Myung Kim . I went around taking pics of it all, from setting up the show, to the mayhem of hundreds of fans waiting in line to play!


Check out the whole gallery here . More pics and info of what happened at SFC after the jump.


Above is the entrance on 57 Stillman. Doesn’t look like much, but when you open the door, you’re greeted by a stairwell that goes two flights down full of SIN posters. But the room opens up to a HUGE area filled with row after row of Street Fighter. Before the doors opened Seth shows off his skills completing the Hard combos in the training mode for a few of the characters.


SIN banners were everywhere! On the walls, ceiling, the DJ, shirts, pins, jackets, you name it. IIIVIR Jackets are awesome in person, the picture really doesn’t do it justice.


We even brought a few of the Arcade Cabinets along. And the lines were long no matter where you wanted to play. But the wait was so worth it, especially the lines with the new MadCatz sticks.


The rounds went on until we finally had to start turning the machines off just to get people out! SFC was a ton of fun, and it was hard to tell people to go since it was the last one… But, it went out with a bang, and every enjoyed themselves. Thanks to all who came to hang out, eat, drink, and mostly to come play SF with us! ^_^