The Importance of Video Games as a Medium
Oct 27, 2011 // GregaMan
The following PBS Arts video takes a mature look at the significance of video games as a medium, explaining why they are a unique form of expression with particular importance at this point in time. Among other things, the video looks at the boom in the indie scene which started around 2005, as well as the rapid expansion of video games’ primary audience.
Also, the video ends with a list of eight “avant-garde” game recommendations, including Capcom’s own Okami and Killer 7, which happen to be two of my personal favorite games for the reasons alluded to in this video.
What do you think, Unity? How have games matured as a medium in the last five or ten years? What will it take for them to continue maturing? What direction would you like to see the medium go? Let the comments roll.