The First Resident Evil Archives Title Hits Store Shelves Today!
Jun 23, 2009 // Mattdeezie
As most of you probably know, we are bringing the classic remake of the first Resident Evil over to the Wii. This is the same version as was released on the GameCube, so if you have played it before, you already know what’s up. However, there are a lot of people out there that own a Wii, that missed out on the games that came out to GameCube, so this is a good opportunity to make it easier for them to experience one of the best games in the franchise.
This could quite possibly be my favorite Resident Evil game. I say that because the first game was easily my most memorable RE experience, and this remake adds on to the original in the best of ways. All the parts I remembered from the original were changed just enough to add re-create that original sense of tension. The graphics are so much better, and the new gameplay elements such as defense items and burning of zombie corpses add a new layer of depth to the game.
For those that were introduced to the series with either RE4 or RE5, the gameplay in the earlier games is much different than the more recent RE games. The controls and camera take a while to get used to, but stick with it. The mansion is filled with some truly creepy stuff, and some of the best puzzles I have encountered in a game. These zombies are much slower, but you’ll find that they can be even scarier, especially when you run into them by accident. (Which happens quite often, because the camera is often placed at an angle that will limit your view.) These guys latch on to you if you are even remotely close, so try and keep your distance lest you wish to be zombie food. And, when you get the shotgun, aim up. 🙂
It’s only $29.99, so it’s much easier to grab than tracking down a used GameCube game and a controller. Once you can get over the learning curve, there is some great horror to be had. If you don’t believe me, check out the reviews when the GameCube version came out.