The exclusive (and awesome) stuff you can only get at the MH Community College 2
Jun 20, 2013 // Yuri Araujo
Have you RSVP’d to the our next ginormous Monster Hunter Community College 2 event on June 29th? There’s still time and room for you… and if you’ve been on the fence, here are some items that you can ONLY get here first!
We’ve got exclusive Meat Pillows to awesome NEW 3DS cases, shirts and more… check out some pictures below:
As previously teased, here are some better shots of the new Nintendo 3DS cases:
- First you’ll see both Standard and XL cases in what I like to call “Slime Green” (I tried) and the classic Brachydios emblem you know and love.
- And now we’ve got the debut of the ALL NEW RED 3DS case, featuring the Zinogre emblem… but why is it red then? Because of the all new Stygian Zinogre, which also makes his first appearance in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate . Hope you like it 😉
Note: Some of these might make it to the online store IF we have left-overs, so if you wanna guarantee yours, you better show up!
Moving on…
- Given the success of our previous run of Meat Pillows (we sold out!) we decided to make more! “Mmmmmm SO TASTY!”
Do not attempt
- Also a very successful item, the “Hunt Me” T-shirts make a return too! And just between us, I heard rumors of another color being ordered as well… ssshhhh…
- You know what these mean, right? It means you get a random monster figure if you buy them. They’re coming straigt from Japan, and are pretty awesome. I have a Green Nargacuga that puts a smile in my face everyday here… =)
Pretty neat stuff, right? Well, there’s more info on MHCC2 coming up soon, but if this is enough of an incentive, head over to this blog post to catch all the details and learn how to RSVP!
Oh! And here are shots of the awesome photo-op weapon replicas!