The Capcom Store’s Spring Blowout Sale starts NOW
Mar 05, 2014 // Chris
Save HUGE on almost every item in the Capcom Store from now until March 23rd.
Hope you’ve squirreled some money away because the time to start blowing it on fine Capcom wares has officially begun! T he Capcom Store has entered into its Spring Blowout Sale and now is the time to snatch up many of those items you’ve probably had your eye on for a while. Like this one:
Capcom Store Exclusive: Capcom Cup Shirt – $16.95
Yep, even if you didn’t make it down for last year’s Capcom Cup, the glorious t-shirt featuring four Ultra-ready fighters, is the Capcom Store’s Deal of the Week at $16.95 !
Capcom Store Exclusive: 25th Anniversary Mega Man/Mega Man X statue – $79.95
The silver Mega Man statue has had $20 OFF slashed of its sticker price! These things are pretty limited so I’d suggest some quick clicking.
Capcom Store Exclusive: Umbrella Corp Premium Rain Shield – $19.95
The Umbrella Corp just keeps on giving! This incredible classy Resident Evil Umbrella is going for ALMOST HALF PRICE right now !
Capcom Store Exclusive: Monster Hunter Meat Pillow – $19.95
The amazing, wonderful Monster Hunter Meat pillow has received one of the most significant discounts in the whole store. It’s temporarily $30 OFF, SO TASTY, and great for r uining live streams !
Speaking of Monster Hunter, those protective, two-pieced aluminum MH 3DS cases are now available for $11.95 .
One of my personal favs from the Capcom Store, Dante’s Pendant, can now rest upon your bare chest for the low price of $19.95
And that’s just scratching the surface of the Spring Blowout Sale (there’s even games as low as $9.99 ) so head on into the Capcom Store and have yourself a browse. You could very well finish up all your St. Patrick’s Day/Arbor Day shopping in one fell swoop!
Capcom Store Exclusive – Save $10 on the Okami Hoodie