TGS 2010: My Mega Man Counterpart in Japan
Sep 16, 2010 // jgonzo
I’m not sure how many of you know about my hardworking counterpart in Japan, Uchida-san from the Rockman Unity website. He’s the guy that runs the Rockman community side of things (basically what I do here on Capcom Unity) in Japan and he’s got his own Rockman site that’s currently closely tied to Mega Man Universe. We were lucky enough to meet for the first time at Comic Con and, even though we don’t speak each others’ languages so well, we managed to have an insanely good time!
A teaser was released a while ago, showing the fruits of our labor. You can bet that there will be more Mega Man Olympics coverage to come!
Any way, this is just a reminder to check out Rockman Unity if you can read Japanese, or say hi to him on twitter . Tell him @Joveth sent you!
BTW, I have no idea what’s going on with that twitter widget on his site (hit the jump to see).
There are WAY too many hearts happening here.
For reference, these are the tweets between two community managers from across the Pacific!