Technically, this is food: Monster Hunter Ramen
Nov 11, 2008 // Kramez
Actually, that was before I had read this description of the ramen on import site NCSX:
If you boil pork bones and whatever’s still attached to those bones for about 10-15 hours, you’ll end up with a milky liquid known as tonkotsu soup. Add a heaping of stringy arum root noodles, soy sauce, a few slivers of shimeji mushroom, and assorted spices to create Umai’s canned Monster Hunter Tonkotsu Ramen. The company is selling the ramen in two types of cans but the contents are the same.
Bleargh! Look, I’m no hippie vegtarian like weird-o beard-o s-kill , but the knowledge of the contents of the can has now pretty much turned me off of ever again randomly purchasing packaged goods in Japan. I’m sticking to a strict Crunky and CC Lemon diet next time I’m in Japan.