TeamworkCast’s Lost Planet 2 playlist is like MH with robots

Dec 11, 2013 // Yuri Araujo

You know the TeamworkCast; they play  Monster Hunter   almost all the time and make videos about it. Well, recently I caught wind of the fact that they’ve been playing  Lost Planet 2 and it is quite fun!

Now, they have a whole playlist with about  38 episodes already and their playthrough seems to still be going on (unless they finished the game already, but I haven’t had the time to watch everything yet).

Anyways, I recommend starting from episode 1 “Chocolate Rain” and working your way throught the series, but if you want a quick slice, here’s the famous Gordiant (Salamander) fight:

You probably killed this thing on the  LP2 demo a while back, or saw tons of videos, but I think their commentary is funny enough to warrant re-seeing this battle. And if you didn’t try this game out yet, I can recommend it… especially if you like  Monster Hunter,  like me. =)