Tatsunoko Vs Capcom: UAS First Tournaments plus Expert Commentary

Jan 29, 2010 // s-kill

My friend Keits flew all the way out from the frozen tundras of my midwestern homeland to join us for last week’s Tatsunoko Vs Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars event

He played as a “beat the pro” pro, and racked up a gigantic 70+ winstreak (although it did include him bullying the occasional 6-yr old).  In exchange, for his cross-country trek and marathon play session, he scored an early copy of the game, which he used to immediately start holding tournaments 🙂

Eventhubs has a nice series of videos from the Battlefield Arcadia tournaments, complete with some great commentary about what’s going on.  You can also watch some of the best Marvel Vs Capcom 2 players in the world (like Sanford Kelly above) going at it on TvC–they’re still learning the ropes (technically this tournament happened a day before the game was even officially released!), but you can already see the potential for craziness. 

Head here for the full set of videos