Tatsunoko Vs Capcom Street View: Joe, Zero, and Frank in Action
Nov 03, 2009 // s-kill
You’ve probably seen some of the Super SFIV footage from the recent Capcom Fight Club , and here’s some similarly shaky-cam style street views of some new Tatsunoko Vs Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars characters in action.
We’ve got Joe the Condor, Mega Man Zero, and two Frank Wests. Although of course this is the first time these players are going hands-on with the characters, they look pretty solid with Joe and Zero. The Frank West play is a little shakier, but you get to see some good stuff, including Joe’s cool counter move (at 0:35–love that thing!),and the super-delayed missile explosion from his GodPhoenix super (I love their “WTF was that!?”) at 2:47.
And if you’re looking to catch a Tatsunoko-flavored beating this weekend, check out St. Louis’ AerialRave tournament . Kurasa , one of my favorite TvC players, will be there putting on a Doronjo showcase .