Tatsunoko Vs Capcom Dev Blog: Goodbye 2009
Dec 22, 2009 // s-kill
In what may be the final TvC development blog of 2009, game director Neo_G talks footwear, makes a vaguely inappropriate joke via the magic of machinima, and teases us with promises of hot game-balancing talk in the new year!
Hello everyone,
It’s getting pretty cold, but at work I wear zori (Japanese sandals) in bare feet.
So, things are not settling down, going everywhere, but the “secret file” is almost done! More details shown in “information” part, but these are coming along well.
Other than this, it’s a bit hectic now but we are preparing to bring you more excitement to build up from new year toward launch.
Personally, in my next blog in the new year, I would like to start talking about the differences from the previous game Cross Generations of Heroes, and those kind of core fighting gamers’ nerdy talks… but we’ll see :p
So, this is the last quick gameplay for this year.
This time it’s just one movie, but here you go…! For those of you Roll fans, this might be familiar for you, ” Ecchi !”
… Sorry, I only have this…
But you know what, this is something that was not in “Cross Generation of Heroes”. This is probably a good example of how much the designer wanted to implement the characteristics even to the smallest details into the game. 😀
Unfortunately I am really out of machinima ideas…. X((( [ed. note–I’ll have something very cool for anyone who can add something fun to Neo_G’s TvC machinima fun with their own movie]
I will be looking forward to more of your comments! (Yep, get someone to help me :p)
Oh well, there aren’t many days left for this year, thank you for checking out the website and the blogs, thank you for your continued help.
Have a great year!!