Tatsunoko Vs Capcom Dev Blog: Burning ROMs (plus Frank West plays Baseball!)
Nov 06, 2009 // s-kill
Just a few words from the infamous Ishizawa-san (aka “Neo_G”, TvC game director), who is busy burning up TvC roms and providing us some amusing new TvC: Ultimate All-Stars videos.
For the record, it’s stuff like this video above that makes me absolutely love this game. Why did they bother programming this? Because they love these characters and are having fun. That fun is infectious–play this yourself and see…
Hi everyone, it’s Neo_G, doing some ROM burning party these past few days.
Recently, the development schedules started to calm down so I thought I sit down, take it easy, but that was just for a little moment – I’ve started to receive lots of requests for ROMs to present the game at many different events in the pan-western territories.
Well of course, this is great!
America, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland, Netherlands, Denmark, Finland…
TvC is one of the titles that’s receiving the most ROM requests in all titles that I ever took part in.
Talking about being well-received with TvC in pan-western territories, at one of the major gaming websites “IGN” has chosen TvC as “BEST WII GAME” in “TGS09: The Best of Tokyo Game Show”!
We didn’t have any playable booths at TGS!
After receiving many E3 awards, I’m very happy about this!!
…With that in mind, I keep burning ROMs, on and on…
I’m the director of the game, but every 1 ROM, I burn them myself!!
(Other Capcom R&D members take their master-up holidays, and so there are only 3 of us: Niitsuma-san, Kadowaki-san and me, so I take care of little chores to directing games :p)
So here’s a picture of me burning ROMs and checking whether the ROMs work on the dev kits and writing each ROM label by hand….
(these are all manual labor… X( )
Hm? What’s this screen showing….?