TapeitorDie.com Weekly Round Up: The Final Countdown
Sep 27, 2010 // jgonzo
Dead Rising 2 is out tomorrow here in North America! In anticipation, let’s take a look back at some of the updates Tape It or Die has given us these past few weeks. Please try not to look Slappy directly in the eye up there…
Find out about Slappy and more after the break!
Johnny Pipes dished out some survival tips in the wake of the Fortune City outbreak, managed to show off three awesome combo weapons , and talked about vending machines in Fortune City.
He also showed off a new Weapon of the Week , The Penetrator, by user StevenViper .
Wallace managed to check out his favorite band …in the middle of the zombie outbreak?
He also ran into a very dedicated postman .
Left Hand Lance showed off another Weapon of the Week by user DeathByTape , the Ankle Grinder!
He was also forced to confront Slappy … Who’s Slappy?
That guy is Slappy…
Anyway, finally, Gretchen showed off the latest video featuring another Weapon of the Week winner, the Thor weapon!
That’s it for now! Keep an eye on tapeitordie.com in the upcoming weeks!