Talk about Code Veronica X, win a Resident Evil mug
Sep 28, 2011 // Minish Capcom
Last week we had two Resident Evil 4/Code Veronica X HD mugs up for grabs, and after wading neck-deep in zombie goo in search of more, I’m happy to report we have two more prepped for giveaway. Each comes with a packet of (itchy) tasty green tea and is adorned with logos from both recent HD remakes.
To enter for a chance to win, simply leave a comment in this post about your favorite Code Veronica memory. Could be a boss battle, a cutscene, when Wesker first displays his Matrix-style moves, whatever sticks out as a particularly awesome moment. I’ll choose two posts and contact the winners via private messages on their Unity account.
If you’re not feeling particularly lucky, the mugs are also available in the Capcom Store ; however, it doesn’t accept memories as currency, so you’ll need dumb ol’ dollars.