Super Street Fighter IV Champ Versus… YOU!
Nov 17, 2010 // Snow
Unity members will have first shot at Umehara-san. In addition to some hand-picked Unity competitors, we’re offering guaranteed slots against the champ for other members in a Unity raffle. For non-Unity members, or anyone that doesn’t win the raffle, we’ll be drawing opponents from the crowd at random on our stream next Friday.
Did I mention the stream? No? Well we’ll be streaming the entire event out live from our dedicated, high-speed landline. We’ll also have some special prizes for anyone that’s able to defeat “the Beast.” We’ll run two play sessions: from 10:30am PST to 12:00pm Daigo will fight on Xbox Live, and from 1:30pm- 3:00pm on PlayStation Network. He may take some questions in between rounds as well, so bring your “A” game and your burning questions for Daigo Umehara this Friday!
Hit the jump for full details on how you can take your shot against a true Street Fighter legend.
We’re giving you Capcom-Unity members the first chance to play with Daigo. All you have to do is enter the Raffle for the system you want to play on. Three lucky winners from each platform will get their chance to play Super Street Fighter IV with Daigo. The Raffle ends tomorrow, so enter now! Find those here .
For everyone else, stay tuned here on Capcom-Unity, and we’ll update with a PSN ID and a Gamertag so you too can have a chance to play with Daigo!