Super Street Fighter IV 3D San Francisco Meetup with Destructoid
Apr 20, 2011 // Snow
We’re teaming up with Destructoid this Saturday and giving you a chance to play Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition! We’re all meeting up at Dolores Park (the corner of Dolores St and 20th St) in San Francisco this Saturday (4/23) from 1-2:30PM for some fun casual WiFi matches and Street Pass battles.
Familiar Capcom-Unity faces like jgonzo, Vince, and Grega Man will be there partying hard and accepting challenges from Street Fighters. Max Scoville and Tara Long of Destructoid fame will also be in attendance giving you a chance to appear on the Destructoid Show! And for those of you who can’t make it to the event, The Mash Tactics crew will be livestreaming the entire event right from the park.
There will be freebies given out during the meetup and this will be your chance to win a code for the super limited edition M. Bison Level 7 figurine (Stats: Attack 140, Defense 114, Super Bar 3, Ultra Bar 0)! And as written on D-Toid, “Expect some ‘special’ Street Fighter IV-themed pizza and drinks to be provided too.” What “special” means there could be anything. This intrigues me.
Don’t forget to charge up your 3DS beforehand, bring a beach towel/something to sit on at the park and a jacket to keep yourself warm! Just in case it rains, our backup meeting spot will be at the sixth floor dome of the Westfield Mall downtown San Francisco.
Follow @Capcom_Unity or @ctz on Twitter for any last minute changes. Be sure to let us know if you’ll be coming by RSVPing on our Facebook event page too!
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